Speak up with us on 21 March.

World Down Syndrome Advocates

Join us today!

We need your help to spread the word and create a single global voice advocating for the rights, inclusion and well being of people with Down syndrome.

By becoming a World Down Syndrome Advocate you will be part of a global group, campaigning for inclusion.


How it works

It’s pretty simple. You sign up to our mailing list and you will join a group known as the World Down Syndrome Advocates.

We then work together to make a difference!



We will send you campaign messages which you can in turn tell people about, share or post about.  


We will share any resources and training we can with you, supporting you to campaign and make a difference.


Sometimes we will ask you to take part in coordinated online activities, when we are trying to get the word out. 

Hearing from you

We want to hear about your advocacy messages and activities and we will share the best ones with the group.