Speak up with us on 21 March.

The Póvoa family from Brazil

The Póvoa family from Brazil

The Póvoa family from Brazil

“Hi! My name is José Jackson Down, I’m 22 years old, I’m from Rio de Janeiro – BRAZIL.

I’ve done a little bit of everything, I was a helper in a mechanic shop, I sold perfume, I was a councilor and currently I dedicate myself to the performance of the King of Pop Michael Jackson.

I am very proud of my Parents and family.

My biggest challenge is to set up a SHOW with dancers.”

José as Michael Jackson

José as Michael Jackson

“Ola! Me chamo JoséJackson Down, tenho 22 anos, sou Carioca – BRASIL.

Já fiz um pouco de cada coisa, fui ajudante em uma oficina mecânica, vendi perfume, assessor em mandato de vereador e atualmente, me dedico a performance do Rei do Pop Michael Jackson.

Tenho muito orgulho dos meus Pais e familiares.

O meu maior desafio e montar um SHOW com bailarinos.”

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