Speak up with us on 21 March.

Yura from Russia

Yura from Russia

Yura from Russia

I met Yura a year ago. We immediately became friends. Who could not when you see a sincere open smile of a good man.

Yure 50 years old. He has lived all his life in the village. He helped his mother, who had a large farm and five children.

When his mother died, he came to live with his brother, my husband. Now we are a strong and friendly family.

Yura with his brother

Yura with his brother

People with Down syndrome living in rural areas in Russia face many problems. He had not been able to receive an education and was unable to receive specialised medical care, so he does not speak very well.

But all this did not prevent him from becoming a beautiful man.

He is very attentive to his loved ones, his community and he is hardworking.

Yura loves to walk in the forest, to collect berries and mushrooms.

Yura loves to walk in the forest, to collect berries and mushrooms.

My husband and I give him love and attention, making his life easier and more interesting.

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