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Scott from the US

Scott from the US

Scott with his family

Scott Kuebler has a December 14, 1980 birthdate.

Scott has Down syndrome. He has also been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and he is a COVID-19 survivor.

He moved back in with Ron and Margot (Dad and Mom) last June.

Scott is an Eagle Scout, Silver Award for Venturing, Vigil Honor member of Tsali Lodge (Order of the Arrow), adult Unit Commissioner, Founder President of Crew 6 in Orangeburg, South Carolina (Venturing).

Scott is an Eagle Scout

Scott is an Eagle Scout

He is the Founder/President of Orangeburg Aktion Club (Orangeburg, South Carolina), Gold Congressional Award recipient, Special Olympics swimmer, kayaker, etc.

Scott enjoys his iPhone with Proloquo2go software to assist with communication.

He enjoys food, movies, and fellowship.

Scott has limited typing skills and enjoys zoom meetings for church, Boy Scouts, Aktion Club.

He is a Presbyterian and member of National Association of Presbyterian Scouters(NAPS).

Scott enjoys riding in his Dad’s MGTD and gets along with everybody!

Scott enjoys riding in his Dad's MGTD

Scott enjoys riding in his Dad’s MGTD

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