Speak up with us on 21 March.


Jack from UK

Jack from the United Kingdom

Jack is a member of the Great Britain team competing at the Down Syndrome World Swimming Championship in Portugal (15-23 October 2022). Jack’s step-dad, Graham, says, “Jack has made all the family so proud!” Good luck to everyone competing at the Down Syndrome World Swimming Championship! The best way to promote awareness of Down syndrome…
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Everyone communicates differently

For International Day of Sign Languages (Friday 23 September) the global Down syndrome community stands with the World Federation of the Deaf in our dream of building inclusive communities for all. Sign language is a form of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). AAC helps people who don’t speak with their mouths to communicate. Many people…
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Noah and family

Noah and family from the United Kingdom

I’m a first-time parent to Noah. My husband and I were told how ‘different’ it was going to be compared to having a baby without Down syndrome. We heard this a lot, thankfully not from any medical professionals but from friends and family mostly. We never quite understood what they meant. Being our first child,…
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Rocky from Philippines

Rocky from Philippines

“Inclusion means being able to serve my community in my own way.” Rocky has really found his sense of fulfilment since he started working as one of the staff at the Office of the Congressman, City of Pasig, Philippines. He was always looking forward to reporting to work and providing service to those coming to…
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Lia and Theo

Lia and Theo from the United Kingdom

Hello!! My name is Theo, and I’m brother to 13-year-old Lia, who has Down’s syndrome. Lia is a crazy burst of joy in my life. From her Nutella moustaches to silly WhatsApp messages, to her seriously powerful ability to turn me inside out in a tickle fight, I love it all. It’s quite hard to…
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Jessica with her design

WINNER!! Jessica from Canada

Congratulations Jessica!!! Jessica Rotolo from Canada is the WINNER of our LotsOfSocks design competition. Jessica’s fantastic sock design has been selected from hundreds of entries to inspire the #LotsOfSocks design for #WorldDownSyndromeDay 2023. Our team have worked with Jessica and the sock manufacturer to create a design that we just know you are going to…
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Ted from United Kingdom

Ted from the United Kingdom

When Ted was born in 2016 the sadness and pity from healthcare professionals were overwhelming. He was a postnatal diagnosis and it was a total surprise to all of us. The days and weeks following his birth were dark times for me, if the midwife was sorry, if I needed a side room, if the…
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Anvi from India

Anvi from India

Anvi is a highly successful yoga trainer – known across her country as “the rubber girl of India”. She can do more than 200 types of Yogasana and 75 Surynamskar (Sun salutation) postures. From a young age, Anvi trained alongside her peers and competed in the district, state and national yoga competitions. She has won…
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Johannes from South Africa

Johannes from South Africa

I am Johannes. I live in South Africa Inclusion means that I can have a job with a salary at the University of Pretoria. I have colleagues and friends at work and in the community where I live. It meant that I had to start by going to an ordinary playgroup, nursery school, primary school…
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Zeke from Mauritius

Zeke from Mauritius

My name is Jean Daniel, aka Zeke. I am a young man with Down syndrome living in Mauritius. Growing up, I attended a mainstream school and although I could not complete my education, I later attended a vocational training centre. Unfortunately, the system was not adapted to my needs and I eventually had to stay…
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